Wednesday, March 21, 2018

14 to 16 May 2017 - Antigua (Guatemala)

The last few days of my holiday were spent in Antigua with only the second day of rain in the past nearly five months. It was more damp than rain and did not stop my wandering about the place. I went for a haircut one day but was told it would cost me £9 ($8) which I considered far too much for the likes of Antigua so I went by a ‘chicken bus’ to the village of San Antonio where a haircut cost me £1 and the bus fare 80p ($2 total). ‘Chicken’ buses are American school buses have been in use for ten years when they are  auctioned off. Many are bought and driven down through Mexico to Guatemala where they are completely overhauled and used for local transport. The ‘chicken’ word could mean that live chickens are carried on the buses or that people are packed in like chickens. I was told that they were completely overhauled with new engines, transmission and brake systems, all suitable for the roads and mountains of Guatemala. There seems to be a love-hate relationship with these buses by tourists and the more well off locals as many people consider them to be a dangerous way to travel but all I can say was the two trips I did on them caused me no concern. I rode similar buses in South America and did not think anything about them until I read what was written about the chicken buses.
Chicken buses at the bus station
On the morning of 16 May I was picked up by a minibus for the hour or so drive to Guatemala City Airport. The flights to the UK necessated a change of planes at Miami where I had to go through immigration as there was no transit lounge there (at least my bags were booked through to London). When I presented my passport at immigration I was taken out of line and into a back office, I think because I did not have an ‘ESTA,’ the on-line visa. I did apply for this before leaving the UK but it was refused as I had visited Iran and Pakistan a few years before. The result was that I had to go to London for an ‘interview’ then issued with a full 10 year visa stuck into my passport. There were about twenty people in the back room but I was only there about 10 minutes then escorted back to the normal area where I waited for the flight to London. The immigration staff were polite, the delay minimal and the three second body scan a novelty. The flight to London was uneventful and thus ended another very enjoyable holiday.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

10 to 13 May 2017 - Totonicapan and Panajachel (Guatemala)

On the morning of 10th May we left Mexico for Guatemala crossing the border at the La Mesilla crossing. It took all of 15 minutes being charged $25 to leave Mexico and $10 to enter Guatemala with no forms filled in at either offices. From the border we went to Totonicapan where we were to stay overnight with local families. Totonicapan is the centre of a district (state/county) and where an uprising happened when the local people rose up against the Spanish conquerors, which only lasted a few weeks. Apart from that it is the centre for a lot of crafts, weaving being the dominant one.

Looking from Guatemala into Mexico
Looking into Guatemala from Mexico
Totonicapan Main Square
The local family I stayed with were a family of weavers from great grandfather to the present great grand son (and daughter), who had five weaving looms in the house. He wove my name into a piece of cloth which was on the loom without any written pattern (but then removed it so as not to waste the cloth). He mentioned that the family had their own distinctive pattern as had all the weavers in the area. The family owned five houses next to each other and there were looms in each house. His wife was a community nurse who walked the mountains three days a week taking medicines and advice to village women, mainly those who were pregnant. The meal in the evening was a lovely potato soup, steamed beef mince in a leaf with rice and vegetables.

I was told that most of the teenage boys traveled illegally to the USA for work where they could earn far more than ever possible should they stay in Guatemala. The family would pay $50,000 (by mortgaging house for example) for the teenager to get to the USA and would expect the money to be recouped within a couple of years and then the families would be well off with money being sent home when they would be able to have an expensive (relative) house in Guatemala. There are about three million Guatemalans in the USA.

Weaving loom
My name woven into the wool

The following morning we left for Chichicastenango Market. (Photos from  https// Chichicastenango is known for its market, being one of the largest in Central America, where vendors sell handicrafts, food, flowers, pottery, wooden boxes, condiments, medicinal plants, candles, traditional incense, animals and farming tools. There were hundreds of stalls there and an easy place to get lost in. I did have a problem in buying things as the local women did not speak any language other than a Mayan dialect and even holding out money for them to take the cost of the goods did not work. I ended up asking a passing tourist to help me with her Spanish and perhaps being female helped as well.
Various market views
Colorful traditional dress at Chichi Market in Chichicastenango Guatemala

Chickens for Sale at Chichi Market in Chichicastenango Guatemala

Fresh Mushrooms for Sale at Chichi Market in Chichicastenango Guatemala

Braids for sale at Chichi Market in Chichicastenango Guatemala

Hair braids for sale at Chichi market in Chichicastenango Guatemala

From the market we headed for Panajachel, the main town on the shore of Lake Atitlan for a two night stay at the Hotel Utz Jay. It is a small town and mainly a tourist destination full of souvenir shops, restaurants and hotels. This is where I came for a day trip when I was staying in Antigua and again I went out to two of the lakeside villages again mainly to see and buy some of the craft items such as the oil painting below at San Juan village.

Ferry boat
The oil painting from San Juan
Lake Atitlan


 After a restful stay in Panajachel we returned to Antigua for a one night stay in the same hotel as we were in nearly four weeks ago. The following day the others left for the airport and I moved back to the Hotel Casa del Cerro where I had left my bags before the trip round Central America (only taking a small bag) and going back because it was much cheaper than the other place.

7 to 9 May 2017 - Agua Azul, Sumidero Canyon and Cristobal de la Casacas (Mexico)

On the way to Cristobal de la Casacas (or Casas) we stopped at the Agua Azul cascades, a series of shallow pools and waterfalls formed by rimstone dams. The limestone rich water cascades down a series of these natural dams and ends in the clear waist-deep river. During the dry season, in April or May, the water is shimmering blue because of the high amount of limestone in the water.


Our guide mentioned that in this area there were indigenous people, called Zapatistas, who lived outside government control and had their own way of living, keeping their ethnic identity including schooling their children. Their insurgency was mainly defensive though there was some fighting against the government. I mention this because our guide said that we may be stopped by the point of a gun and asked to pay a ‘toll’ to pass through their district. Thankfully this did not happen!
At mid-afternoon we arrived at Cristobal de la Casacas aand the Hotel Parador Margarita in the Old Town. The streets were narrow but pretty with houses painted in bright colors and many old Spanish colonial houses. The main industry was tourism. It was cold here and I had to have a blanket on the bed to keep warm.
Inspection of the Guards
Inspection of the Guards
A pretty street

Avenida Guadalupe is a popular pedestrian street in San Cristobal de las Casas lined with many shops, cafes, and restaurants
The main shopping street

Colonial buildings
Looking from the cathedral


There were quite a number of churches in the city, many of them used for Mayan as well as Catholic services and one having a long flight of steps to get to the church.

Various churches inside and out

On the second day we went on a trip to the Sumidero Canyon. The canyon has vertical walls which reach as high as 1,000 metres (3,300 ft), and is 13 kilometers long with it’s creation beginning around the same time as the Grand Canyon in Arizona (35 million years ago), by a crack in the area’s crust and subsequent erosion by the Grijalva River, which still runs through it. It is home to many species on the verge of extinction, such as the Morely (or American) crocodile, the spider monkey as well as threatened species like the jaguarundi, ocelot, anteater and buzzard king. There are also hundreds of species of birds like herons, vultures, egrets, parrots, toucans and kingfishers.

When the Spanish finally arrived in 1528, the local indigenous people, the Chiapanecas, rather than surrender their culture to the Europeans, committed mass suicide by throwing themselves off the walls of the canyon. Others hid themselves in caves throughout the canyon until the last Chiapaneca leader was captured. The Spanish tied the disposed leader to a tree in the main square of the nearby village of Chipa De Corza, the entry point to the canyon, and burned him to death. The legendary 'burning tree' still stands in the local square today, a monument to these ancient and fiercely independent people.

Landing stage
Passenger boat
Diving stages
Views of the Canyon



and crocodiles


Religious Cave
While at Cristobal de la Casas we went to the town of San Juan to see a church where the floor is always covered with pine needles to find that there was a Mayan ceremony being conducted in the church, something like ‘beating the bounds’ in the local churches in the UK. The words below have been taken from various websites and portray a lot of what I saw. Even though there was a special ceremony taking place we were allowed into the church but not allowed to take photographs. I did take photos of the bandsmen after asking permission thinking that I could take photos outside the church but was told off when I took one of the procession so immediately put the camera away. The church was crowded inside and high with the smell and smoke of incense and candles.
The main attraction of the town is its colonial era church, known as the Ceremonial Centre of Chamula. This lone town church serves hundreds of indigenous communities from the surrounding mountains. Though it appears like any other church on the outside, it is not a typical Catholic church. There are no priests, nor is any holy mass conducted. The only Catholic ceremonies conducted here are baptisms. Every year, on 24th June, a priest comes to perform all the baptisms of children born during the past year. There are no church weddings, only civil marriages. Instead of masses, healing rituals are conducted with candles, eggs, chickens and Coca-Cola. These rituals are done for each individual or family simultaneously inside the huge structure.

Shamans – male or female – are considered as physicians as well as priests, and are consulted on all matters of health and spirit. It is the job of the shaman to balance the body and spirit which may be disrupted by sins and illnesses. After consultations with the petitioner, he determines the changes necessary to regain balance. Depending on the problem, candles of specific size and color are placed in precise positions and burned. In some extreme cases, a chicken can be sacrificed and its blood used to aid in achieving balance.

People place lighted candles on the church floor covered with pine needles. White candles are for various daily or family matters. Red candles burn for someone who is ill, black candles announce death. Petitioners consult the village shamans only, and all the ceremonies take place in small groups on the floor, each headed by its own shaman who leads the group in chanting.

There are no pews or altars in this church, only a large statue of St John decorated with red and yellow ribbons. The Virgin Mary has a place in the observances, but as a saint, not as the Mother of God, because the indigenous villagers consider the concept of a virgin birth ridiculous. They worship the traditional Catholic saints as images of their own gods. This obviously reflects back to the times when they were forced to accept the Catholic religion by the Spanish conquerors.

Each devotee has a favorite saint among the many whose statues flank the nave. The statues of the saints are dressed in layers of brilliantly flowered clothes with mirrors hung around their necks. Offerings made to them include alcohol, herbs, food, candles and incense. The pagan rites of the Maya merge magically with the Catholic religion, diverging completely from the traditions of western Christianity.

The Catholic Trinity is represented by St Peter, St John and St Sebastian. Although, the Christian cross is found throughout the village, it does not represent the Trinity, but rather the cardinal directions of North, South, East and West. It is used to protect against evil spirits. The pine tree is an important part of the village culture and since it is considered sacred and aids in protection, crosses are often found erected in pairs or threes and adorned with pine boughs. Prayers are chanted in the indigenous languages.

Temple De San Juan
Window above the entrance
Local men in traditional dress
The procession