Sunday, March 18, 2018

29 and 30 April 2017 - Tulum (Mexico)

After an early start we caught the  ferry from Caye Caulker to Belize City before travelling to the border crossing from Belize into Mexico and then another four hours travelling to arrive at the Hotel El Punto in Tulum at 18.00 hours. After sorting out the rooms and having dinner it was early to bed for once.

As the city was basically flat four of us hired bicycles the following morning to cycle to the Tulum Ruins. Tulum is the site of a Mayan walled city and was a major port. The ruins are on a cliff 12 metres high and face the Caribbean Sea, having been built about 1200AD. The city was abandoned about 70 years after the arrival of the Spanish as they brought with them diseases that caused high numbers of fatalities.

Views of the Tulum Ruins


DSCN4780DSCN4739 DSCN4746Walled City of Tulum

There were hundreds of lizards all over the site and some different items to be seen in the shopping area.


After I left the ruins I cycled back to the hotel along a local beach.


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