Friday, March 31, 2017

24 and 25 March 2017 – Salento (Colombia)

Although we left Popayan early in the morning we arrived at the Monteroca Camping site near Salento early in the afternoon in time to unload the truck and get everyone sorted out. We were to do our own cooking there so the truck was just about empty when all the bits had been removed. Some decided to be in the normal tents, some slept in hammocks, others shared a permanently put up tent with beds in while I upgraded to a forest house up on the hill over the camping area. It was quite a weird place as every part was surrounded by barbed and razor wire, to keep the campers in or others out I don't  know. It was somewhat extreme anyway!

The house on the hill

The house on the hill
The shower
My bed upstairs
The bottom bed
The view from the verandah looking down on the camping site

There was confusion as to who was to go where and how much it was going to cost. This together with not being able to get the truck onto the camping ground, the poor access and parking will probably mean that future trips will not go to the site. As there was a much better site across the river with quad and mountain bikes, horses for hire and cafes and restaurants it seems illogical to go to the Monterca site again.

The following day we went early up to the Cloud Forest in the Colca Valley. Here we walked for a few hours looking at the Wax Palm trees which are the tallest palm tree on earth growing to 70 metres (230 feet) in height and living for up to 100 years. They are also the only palm tree growing at this altitude of 2400 to 2700 metres (7900 to 8900 feet ). The trees are now protected by law aas through the centuries they were damaged and decimated by the people wanting the palms for decorations on Palm Sunday.

Colca Valley

Colca Valley
The wax palms in Colca Valley

Showing the height of the palms
After the walk we went into Salento town for lunch and then to see coffee processed in a laboratory. Some was offered for people to taste. I do not like coffee so had none. The truck had a terrible time manoeuvring round the town’s narrow roads and the country lanes to the walking area, local transport would have been more practical for us.

The town square
Toy car being pushed round

The church

The nave

A stained glass window

Coffee is served

Street scenes

And the dog watched everything

There was quite a bit of large sized bamboo growing around the countryside and it was noticeable how it was used for building work and fencing. 

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